Child Sponsor Account Login

We have recently upgraded our online Child Sponsorship system to make managing your sponsorship as intuitive and easy as possible. This means that, for a transitional period, some sponsors will be on the new system and some will remain on the old system.

If you are paying €21 per month or €250 per year per child you are on the old system. If your sponsorship payment fails due to a change in card, expiry date expired, insufficient funds at drawdown date, you will move to the new payment system. Please set up a new sponsorship, input your details again and it will be linked to your current sponsored child. To cancel your sponsorship, please email Fiona at

If you are paying €23 per month or €265 per year per child you are on the new system.

Access the new Child Sponsor Dashboard

If you are paying €23 every month or €265 every year per child, then you are on the new Child Sponsorship system and can access your dashboard from here.

You will be required to enter the email address that you used when you signed up as a sponsor. You will then receive a link to access your dashboard and manage your sponsorship. No password required.

Switch to New Child Sponsorship System

If you are paying €21 every month or €250 every year per child, then you are on the old Child Sponsorship system and can set up a new child sponsorship payment on the new system from here.

On the payment page please tick the box for “I am already a sponsor“ and your new payment will be linked to your current sponsored child. You can pay by direct debit (preferred) or card.

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